MKOH has been providing OH services for more than 35 years across a wide spectrum of industry (commerce and the public sectors) and can thus bring the width and depth of experience and skill, together with a proactive approach to meeting your organisation’s needs.
We have been established since 1975 both as a charitable trust and since 1996 as a Private Limited Company.
MKOH works in partnership with Human Resources, Line Managers and Health & Safety teams. We aim to provide a cost effective means of meeting your legal requirements, a tailored and flexible service, full support on and off site resulting in a reduction in bottom line costs through reduced lost time in sickness absence, better staff morale, efficiency, productivity and staff turnover.

management referrals
If there are concerns that work could be affecting an employee’s health, or conversely, a health issue could be affecting an employee’s ability to carry out their job, then a referral should be made to the Occupation Health team.
If you want to get your employees back to work safely or prevent absenteeism in the first place, MKOH can arrange a medical consultation with one of our Qualified Occupational Health Physicians or Nurse Advisers who will be able to provide a professional medical opinion - clear, unambiguous actionable advice on how to manage the employee with the report.
You should consider referring employees if:
an employee has a high level of sickness absence
there is concern about their health
there is concern about their performance
the employer or employee suspects that work-related tasks may be aggravating the problem
there are concerns about the employee coping with a return to work after a period of absence.
The advice and recommendations will address standard questions suggested and expected by MKOH as well as specific questions requested by the employer.
Consultations can be carried out face to face, remotely via Zoom or remotely via phone enabling a swift response to referrals in any area of the country.
The OH expert will give advice on:
the medical condition behind the referral
the impact in the workplace
the fitness to work of the individual
how to integrate the employee back into the business
potential impact of the Equality Act