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Chart & Stethoscope

specialist support

With Appointed Specialists and HSE trained Nurses and Physicians MKOH can offer a range of support services.

These are specialist services extending our range of Occupational Health support. 

Our team can provide a range of specialist assessments to support your business and your employees.  Many of these services required specialist qualifications which our Nurses and Physician have gained as part of their development with MKOH and through support from the HSE.

​Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome - HAVS is serious and disabling, and nearly 2 million people are at risk, according to the latest HSE statistics.  HAVS may occur in employees in industries and occupations that work with hand-held power tools, hand-guided machinery and hand-fed machines which expose them to vibration.  Prolonged and regular exposure to this vibration can affect the operator’s health, and once the damage is done – it’s permanent.  Risks from vibration can be controlled, and employees can be protected from ill health issues. Employers have a legal duty to manage these risks and to report confirmed cases of HAVS and vibration-induced Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 RIDDOR).

MKOH can deliver the following support to businesses - Tier 1 – First questionnaire, filled out by job applicants or employees about to start working with vibrating tools; Tier 2 – This is an annual questionnaire for employees who remain exposed to hand vibration tools.  Tier 3 – If an employee declares vibration-related symptoms a Tier 3 assessment will be carried out by a HAVS qualified nurse. This includes taking a detailed history and physical tests that assess the vascular and the nervous system of  the hands. The outcome of this assessment will help the nurse decide whether there is reason to believe that the symptoms could be due to HAVS.  Tier 4 – This assessment will be carried out by a HAVS qualified doctor. It consists of a detailed history, assessment of symptoms and signs of HAVS. This is the stage where a formal diagnosis of HAVS or other conditions may be made. Furthermore, the doctor will advise on further surveillance and recommend limits to exposure.

Asbestos  - Once asbestos has been inhaled it can cause serious damage, and worryingly, this damage is often not seen instantly. More often that not, the diseases that are associated with asbestos inhalation are spotted when it’s too late to do anything about it.  It is an employers responsibility to monitor the health of its employees who are using or may potentially be exposed to Asbestos.  There are two types of asbestos related work – licensed (reviewed every 2 years) and non licensed (reviewed no more than every 3 years).  With appointed physicians, MKOH can provide the necessary medical and certification required for your teams.

Oil & Gas Medical - An OGUK medical is a health and fitness assessment to determine if someone is fit to work in an offshore energy environmentThe assessment includes comprehensive health screening, drug and alcohol testing, a medical history questionnaire, and a physical examination by an OGUK registered doctor or physicianOGUK medicals are mandatory for all individuals designated as offshore employees, seafarers, divers, etc. The OGUK medical certificate must be renewed every two years, regardless of the offshore worker's age.


Face Fit Testing - A face fit test is a simple test which checks whether a person’s mask fits their face shape and size. When worn correctly RPE (respiratory protective equipment) should protect the wearer from airborne hazards (particulates, dusts, gases etc). These should have already been worn and fitted in the work place where mandated, but with the onset of COVID-19 it is even more important that masks are correctly fitted.  Our team of Nurses and Technicians can provide on site or clinic based services for you.

Pension and Ill Health Retirement Assessment - Our OH Physicians have experience in both Public and Private sector Pension Schemes.  They can provide Primary or Independent (IQMP) assessments through paper based or face to face consultations.   Our experienced administration team can assist in packaging the case ready for assessment.

Drug & Alcohol Testing - Providing a suitable Drug & Alcohol policy is in place, MKOH can provide a random and for cause programme to support the Occupational Health Services. This can either be provided as part of the Health Surveillance programme or as a separate deliverable to meet business requirements.

DSE Workplace Assessment - If workers use display screen equipment (DSE) daily, as part of their normal work, continuously for an hour or more, employers must do a workstation assessment.  MKOH can support internal teams or lead on assessments for employees.  MKOH will help employers should look at the whole workstation, including equipment, furniture, and work conditions; the job being done; any special requirements of a member of staff, for example a user with a disability.  A written report back will provide guidance on practical changes and support that can be provided.

Pregnancy Risk Assessment - Your workplace risk assessment should already consider any risks to new and expectant mothers (for example, from working conditions, or the use of physical, chemical or biological agents). Any risks identified must be included and managed as part of the general workplace risk assessment.  MKOH can assist in assessing your workplace risk assessment to see if any new risks have arisen. If risks are identified during the pregnancy, in the first six months after birth or while the employee is still breastfeeding, you must take appropriate, sensible action to reduce, remove or control them.  Whilst not a specific legal requirement it is another way in which we can support you business in investing in your employees and their wellbeing.

MK Occupational Health Ltd

12 Vincent Avenue


Milton Keynes MK8 0AB

Company Number - 03202403

© 2021 by MKOH.

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